Freethinkers and Humanists of Colorado Springs Secular Sunday Morning Dialogue

Secular Sunday Morning Dialogue

Every Sunday, 9:30-11:30 AM

Freethinkers and Humanists of Colorado Springs


On Sunday, we meet from 9:30 AM through 11:00 AM via

See logon information below.

This is an online social event without an established discussion topic, just like-minded, non-religious people getting together to both strengthen friendships and make new friends. 

Our secular brunches seek to create community in a non-religious environment.  Look for a small paper sign  saying "Freethinkers and Humanists," so you know you have found your friends. Participants range from those who just left their lifetime "church homes" to people raised in multi-generational atheist families.

Conversations involving religion, or the lack thereof, range from agnosticism to Zoroastrianism, and the great societal power wielded by churches in the United States means politics is often discussed.  As well as science, medical development, social research, and more.   Don't be surprised by discussions involving so-called "conspiracy theories" such as "dominion theology" or "Christian" reconstructionism.

Our Sunday morning zoom sessions take place weekly at 9:30 AM until 11 AM or later.

We have been drawing 7 to 13 people over the last few months.  This week we do not have a guest speaker scheduled, so we will launch directly into our open discussion format.  Here is the contact information.


Meeting ID   836 9570 2483

Passcode: 666666

Invite Link  https://    us02web.zoom.usj83695702483 pwd=YXZwdFdaRjF2OUpjd0plY2FPR08xUT09




If you try to connect and fail, try calling me at 719-548-0882


If you have trouble, or find yourself condemned to the waiting areas, please call or text me at 719-659-5075, or 719-548-0882

Or visit the Freethinkers and Humanists of Colorado Springs Meetup page at for alternative login information about this and other online events.

And as always...

Everybody welcome!


2024-07-07 09:30:00 to 2024-07-07 11:30:00