Submitted by FCSAdmin0 on
Remembering Fred Kormos
On December 17, 2024, the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs lost long time dedicated member, and Freethinkers of Colorado Springs board member, Fred Kormos.
Fred dedicated numerous years of hard work as a key, and all but indispensable member of the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs Board of Directors, including more than 15 years as the Treasurer of Freethinkers of Colorado Springs. And as if that wasn't enough, Fred Kormos was also the editor and publisher of the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs Freethought Springs newsletter for more than 25 years.
But the tireless volunteer work that Fred Kormos dedicated to the Colorado Springs community didn't end with the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs - Fred Kormos was also a long time volunteer and on-air personality at Colorado Springs' classical music Public Radio station KCME.
Information about a KCME produced radio program about Fred Kormos and his 30 years of volunteer work in service to the Colorado Springs community through Fred Kormos' volunteer work on KCME follows.