Accuracy of My Columns Confirmed
  by William Edelen

These past weeks have been good ones for me. Why? On three different subjects, the accuracy of my columns has been confirmed.

FIRST SUBJECT: Several years back, Prime Minister Barak and Arafat were shaking hands and talking about peace in the Middle East. I wrote about that, calling "peace in the Middle East a joke" because the Israelis and Palestinians had all been infected with a deadly disease -- the lethal disease of religion. I said there would never be peace there as long as they had religion and their own version of a fantasy "God" on their side. We now see blood baths in the area.

SECOND SUBJECT: For the last ten years at least I have been writing that Billy Graham is one of the biggest phonies, hypocrites, and White House brown-nosers in America. I have always been grateful that President Harry Truman had the guts to say it straight: "As long as I am President, Billy Graham will never get within five miles of the White House." Truman knew a phony when he saw one. So, what happened now? Ole Billy Graham was hung out there for all the world to see what he was, when the Nixon Oval Office tapes were released. The New York Times did a scathing piece about his hypocrisy, and Peter Jennings on his national ABC news did not spare any punches on Graham's anti-Semitic and crude observations about the Jews to Nixon. Other major newspapers brought this hypocrisy to light.

After my columns about Graham over the last ten years, the Letters to the Editor poured in wanting to burn me at the stake. I wonder where the authors of those letters are now?

THIRD SUBJECT: I have written many columns on the fiction of the bible using the best of contemporary scholarship from major universities with documentation. I said that Abraham and Moses and the Exodus are known to be fiction by distinguished scholars. I quoted Dr. James Bennet Pritchard a number of times that the Old Testament is loaded with fiction and the biblical legends and names had been around for hundreds of years before Hebrew times in other cultures. The Jews borrowed the stories and used them as their own. Dr. Pritchard was Biblical Archaeological Advisor to Time-Life books, the National Geographic magazine, and the British Broadcasting system. He was the Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania.

And now, in confirmation, the March 9 NEW YORK TIMES lead story was about the "New Torah for Modern Minds," which offers new findings in biblical research to educate the congregations. Abraham and Moses probably never existed. The entire Exodus story is fiction. David was nothing more than a small provincial leader and the Hebrew authors magnified all these stories with gross exaggerations to provide a rallying point for a fledgling nation. Scholars have known all of these facts for years but there has been no attempt to disseminate these facts with the laity until now.

I think you can see why I am calling these past weeks good ones for this columnist, with national confirmation on these three subjects coming in from all directions. I think I will just call it...Karma.

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