Better Ideas Are Forbidden
  by Len Schwee

A remarkably large number of scientists become atheists for excellent reasons. They consider faith to be the acceptance of other people's opinions, and they find such opinions to be hearsay. They are happy to have slipped the bonds of a grim and tiresome superstition, and to have earned freedom and truth at last. Without the repressive falsehoods of religion, they live fuller, happier lives.

Luther Burbank once said, "The scientist is a lover of truth for the very love of truth itself, wherever it may lead." And Thomas Jefferson's advice was, "Question with boldness even the existence of God; because if there be one, He must approve the homage of Reason rather than that of blindfolded Fear."

Spirits do not appear in science. Many of the brainwashed and indoctrinated, on the other hand, claim to have personal relationships with spirits, and some actually claim to feel their presence. No one, however, has been able to offer any reliable evidence of spirits.

Atheists consider evolution to be a proven fact which makes a travesty of religion. Christians also find evolution to be a stake in the heart of Christianity, so they deny it or distort it. The evidence shows that life evolves naturally without the need of a supernatural order. Reality described by science is far more interesting, intricate, and beautiful than religion's view of it. In science, all ideas are open to revision if another idea can be found to explain the facts better. In religion, opinions and beliefs are considered to be sacred and immutable. There is the rub. Better ideas are forbidden by religions. It is no wonder that religions are full of ancient superstitions.

Physics, which explains the natural laws that govern our universe, claims that it is impossible to create or destroy energy. Energy can be transformed, however, from one form to another. For example, a swinging pendulum's energy is transformed from gravitational energy to kinetic energy to gravitational energy to kinetic energy to gravitational energy during each period. Everything physical can be described in terms of energy. At the beginning of our universe, zero energy split into its positive and negative components in such a way that the total energy was always zero, and, therefore, no energy was created or destroyed. Gravitational energy is negative, and it offsets the positive energies of motion and matter. The total energy in our universe is still zero. Since no energy was ever created, it is misleading to speak of a creation. The transformation of energy is natural, so no supernatural power is needed to facilitate it. The first mistake of the religious is to speak of a creation, and the second mistake is to insist that a God is needed to effect a creation that did not happen. Physics and biology emerge without a need of God.

Faith and science can be compared by observing the products each produces. Some products of religion are the hair shirt, the chastity belt, the rack, rosaries, mosques, and cathedrals. Some products of science are telephones, movies, cars, airplanes, plumbing, radios, plastics, TV, nuclear bombs, computers, software, spacecraft, and the internet.

Religions beg for money, science makes money.

The choice is not difficult--the best concepts ever imagined, or a jumble of baseless, contradictory, and superstitious opinions.

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