Biblical Literacy
  by William Edelen

Dr. James Bennet Pritchard has been recognized internationally as one of the most distinguished biblical scholars and archaeologists in the world.

He was Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, curator of the Near Eastern section of the Museum at the same University, biblical archaeological advisor to National Geographic magazine, as well as to the British Broadcasting System and Time-Life Books.

Authentic and genuine biblical scholars of this caliber are rare indeed. In the professions of religious and biblical "studies" (I use the word loosely) are more phonies...quacks...and charlatans than any other known to me.

Many churches like to advertise that they have bible "study" groups. What they actually have are bible "reading" groups with the blind leading only the blind. In my 40 years of church experiences I have never seen a bible "study" group in any church.

A "study" group would include all of the complexities of the Greek and Hebrew language...thousands of years of translation and transmission problems, combined with the historical, religious, archaeological and sociological implications of the times that produced the an exhaustive exposure to comparative mythologies.

Several years ago I had the privilege of hearing Dr. Pritchard lecture. He was then President of the Archaeological Institute of America. I have copies of his lecture in my files so that I have no need to rely only on my memory.

"It is no longer possible," he said, "to read the bible as our parents and grand-parents did. Far too many discoveries have been made, using the most sophisticated dating methods yet known. Six discoveries are crucial." Due to my space limitations I can only list them. It would take 10 full columns to document why they know each to be true.

1. There was no flood. The Hebrews borrowed the myth.
2. The myth of "divine" commands (The Ten Commandments) as a common theme found everywhere.
3. A highly sophisticated Canannite language and mythology has been discovered that was hundreds of years older than the Hebrew writings.
4. Stories about David and Solomon are gross exaggerations. They are only legend and folklore.
5. Basic New Testament ideas had been around for hundreds of years before Jesus and were borrowed from Egypt and Persia and Babylon. It is called "mythological diffusion."
6. The discovery at the ancient kingdom of Ebla shows that biblical names and legends of the patriarchs had been used for a thousand years prior to Hebrew times.

Now you will not hear about any of this from the Christian Coalition and you will probably not hear about it in your local church, where the sin of omission and religious and biblical illiteracy thrive. Truth is seldom comforting to those trembling in fear. The local minister knows that the truth about the bible would be the end of his church...his congregation....his job...and his salary. It would mean he or she would have to go out and get a real job and work for a living. And so, the game called "church" and "Sunday School" will continue, even into the next illiterate generation.

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