Deleting God
  by William Edelen

Blessed are the Atheists ... Agnostics ... Deists ... Mystics ... Humanists ... Freethinkers ... Taoists ... Buddhists ... and all others who do not have an archaic, primitive God in their mind/brain.

Blessed are they for they do not believe that a God is on their side.
Blessed are they for they do not participate in holy wars, Jihads or Crusades.
Blessed are they for they would never be martyrs for the "glory of God."
Blessed are they for they do not condemn others as heretics or infidels.
Blessed are they for they do not conduct inquisitions nor slaughter millions of women as "witches."
Blessed are they for they do not participate in sectarian violence, or harass little Catholic school girls walking through their neighborhood.
Blessed are they who do not twist biblical words to condemn homosexuality as a sin, nor to condemn a woman's right to choose.
Blessed are they who would never say that a terrorist act is God's punishment against those who do not believe or think as they do.
Blessed are they who know that the only hell that exists is right here on earth created by man. And that it is in man's hands alone to create a heaven here on earth through intelligence, empathy and love.
Blessed are they who do not trust a fantasy "God" to save humanity from its follies.
Blessed are they who realize that the United States is NOT a religious state, but a secular state that allows all belief systems, including freedom from any religious beliefs .

Who are these people I am blessing? They are everywhere around you in every walk of life. They are often afraid to speak out for fear of the radical, psychotic insanity in our society equating God with patriotism. They are indeed the "silent majority."

To clear the cobwebs of a biblical God out of the human brain is no easy task. It means cleaning out all of the brainwashing, indoctrination and ministerial clichés and giving your head, mind and spirit a fresh start.

The centuries are sick with a God made in man's image and imagination who shares the same nationalistic pride, whether it be the countries of Islam, Israel or America. A God who was on the last thoughts of the murderers as they drove their planes into the buildings. A God for America who now demands "justice" and wants to help us bomb them back into the stone age. "God Bless America" is still being played on almost every radio station in spite of the fact that the song is a prayer for only orthodox Jews and Christians. This nation has close to a hundred million citizens that are neither Jews nor Christians and who do not believe that there is a God "out there" to bless America.

For the atheists, agnostics, deists, mystics and so forth, there is no primitive God "out there," and yet many of them stand in awe before the incomprehensible mystery that saturates the entire cosmos, even as do I - a Mystery that has nothing to do with an archaic, primitive, biblical "God" who "blesses us."

"Standing in wonder before this Mystery," wrote Einstein, "is the source of all true art and true science."

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