Ed's Revelation
  by Steven Mahone

Outspoken Colorado Springs resident and antithetical freethinker Ed Bircham recently called the "CK in the Morning" radio show on KVOR and made this rather bewildering statement:

"If 9/11 had happened in Hollywood instead of killing 3000 innocent, hardworking people we would be much better off now. I mean if it had to happen, then Hollywood is the place that deserves it most and it would have solved many of our problems."

He then tried to badger CK (the host of the show) into making a choice based on a fabricated and nonsensical situation, "If you had to decide, CK, wouldn't you choose to lose Hollywood over New York?" CK responded with the only answer that a rational person could arrive at, "No, Ed, I wouldn't choose to lose either of them."

If there was ever an example of why our public policy requires (and I do mean requires) the separation of Church and State, then Ed Bircham is its poster-child! He was actually able to justify in his own mind the substitute mass murder of one group for another -- and for no good reason other than his own particular moral and religious sensitivities. Hopefully, Ed was just having an off day but the fact that he could say such a thing and truly mean it, underscores our need for the checks and balances that this country was so artfully founded upon. Namely, that we are secular nation with laws and liberties that apply equally to everyone and no particular group can be served either more or less by these principles.

I hope that our new City Council and our new Mayor also understand and appreciate these principles as well. Especially since many of them didn't go out of their way to distance themselves from Mr. Bircham's money or advertising during the recent campaign. In the light of Bircham's comments, it would seem wholly appropriate for all of these newly elected officials to reassure our community that the logic employed by Mr. Bircham is not and never will be tolerated in the decision making that goes on in Colorado Springs' city government. Mr. Mayor, you publicly thanked Ed Bircham for his support and endorsement after you were elected, please take it upon yourself to let the citizens of our fine city know that you don't condone his rhetoric.

Mr. Bircham, of course, has the right to disagree with whatever philosophy or worldview he finds unappealing. But where does that disagreement cross the line and begin to infringe on the rights of others? It happens when someone begins to plant the seeds of discontent that advocate the wholesale elimination (Bircham's word) of ideas and people as a proposed remedy for our nation's problems. What could be more un-American and unpatriotic than subscribing to such a sentiment?

It would be an intellectual crime to NOT speak out against such a divisive and unproductive attitude. Our children must know that they can depend on us to oppose hatred and tyranny at every turn and we must instill in them a sense of respect for the freedom of all men, not just those that happen to belong to the same political party or the same church. In his commercials, Mr. Bircham reminds potential customers that "No one copies us!" This turns out to be rather good advice indeed.

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