Evolving Creationism
  by Dr. Charlie Webb

Natural selection and the Supreme Court have forced the evolution of newer forms of creationism. The latest species calls itself Intelligent Design (ID) and accepts the ancient age of the universe and of planet earth. Most ID devotees even admit that species have changed over time. They stand ready to admit the great truth of Evolution on one condition: they want to be given credit for evolution, and insist that it be named after their god. His new name is the politically correct and eminently humble title "Intelligent Designer." Really.

The goal (as always) is to preserve the American public's incredible ignorance of evolution by natural selection. The Supreme Court rejected fundamentalist "Creation Science" with its 6,000-year-old flat earth because it was all religion and no science. So now the born-again creationists just hide their god and brag about the clever "designer" ("Wink! Wink! Know what I mean? No god up our sleeves!").

Of course ID explains exactly nothing. Every difficult question is simply answered with the advertising slogan "because God did it." In other words, if any scientific question seems difficult, just give up and say it's because "God planned it that way." Just like in the Dark Ages.

In the words of Isaac Asimov, "To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature." Thank goodness for brave scientists who quest for truth instead of giving up. Smallpox and polio and diphtheria and other plagues of our past have been conquered by medical science. Life expectancy has increased by fifty years since the Dark Ages. Should we go backward or forward?

Evolution by natural selection answers the great questions of life. Of course all living creatures "look like they were designed" for life on planet earth. After all, how many of your ancestors died in childhood? Nature's selection for life on earth has been going on for thousands of millions of years. We are nature's winners against all odds, but we were never designed.

How can we know with certainty? In two simple steps:

1.) The human body is riddled with design mistakes that are simply copied from our pre-human ancestors. (Abundant examples include the deadly birth canal, the unforgiving prostate, the exploding appendix, the fragile spine as America's #1 cause of disability, the idiotic crossing of airway and esophagus that causes history's greatest killer--pneumonia, and our useless male breasts whose only claim to fame is cancer.)

2.) In a court of law, copyright infringement (plagiarism) is proven if it can be shown that mistakes have been copied from another source. Authors of textbooks, directories, and maps will even insert mistakes in order to catch copycats. The human body and the human genome are chock full of mistakes that prove that our genetic recipe was merely copied with only slight modifications. Naturally. "Design" is therefore only wishful thinking. Case closed.

Science knows that evolution by natural selection provides the light of understanding for our origins and for our problems. We will resist the crusades of those who insist that we should surrender to ignorance.

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