The Joy of Unbelief!
  by Jan Brazill

Many believers express sympathy that we "freethinkers" do not share the joy and peace that they know in Jesus. Let me tell you why you need feel no pity for this freethinker.

When I was at the vulnerable age of thirteen, a minister convinced me that unless I let him sprinkle a few magical drops of water on my head, I would suffer the fires of eternal damnation. I fearfully complied.

Later, I moved to a new school where I was befriended by a fundamentalist youth group. I studied the Bible, went to their church three times a week and became "saved." The minister urged me to join the church, assuring me I could always change memberships if I moved away. But when I asked if that included a Catholic Church, he was horrified. I now understood that the "love" they claimed to feel for all of God's children was reserved for those of like belief -- a superior attitude that only their religion was worthy of the rewards of Heaven.

I was bothered more, however, by the concept of Hell that they preached in all its vivid, gruesome details: hideous, unspeakable, unending torments for all of eternity. And all for not "believing" that Jesus was their Savior! I worried about the people who never heard about Jesus, and was told that was the reason we must go preach to the heathen. The implication was that our own heavenly reward might not be as complete if we neglected this primary duty.

Something seemed amiss. As much as other people might hurt me, I felt I could never do anything so despicable as condemn someone to ETERNAL punishment! It just didn't seem right -- especially for such a thing as unbelief which couldn't possibly hurt a being so powerful as God. Did that make me more moral than God? If so, it was not a God I could worship.

Suddenly I realized that the purpose of Hell could be nothing but manipulation. I began to understand that the ideas of both Heaven and Hell had been contrived as control mechanisms, and they were perfect for this because no one could possibly prove they didn't exist. The "reward" of Heaven could be used to inspire whatever behavior the Church (sometimes at the direction of the State) decided was wanted. And for those whose behavior couldn't be controlled by the carrot, there was the stick - the "punishment" of an everlasting Hell!

It was so obvious I have trouble to this day wondering why others cannot see it. How can honest ministers still preach it? I pity those whose lives have been ruled by such ideas.

In college I became intrigued with different religions -- attending church with my Catholic roommate, talking with the Jewish girl down the hall, studying the eastern religions. All provided answers which suited simpler times. But we now know what causes thunderstorms, so we no longer have to placate imaginary gods. We have microscopes to reveal hidden worlds, so we no longer try to cure sickness by "casting out devils." The idea of the Supernatural is simply no longer needed to explain our world.

John 8:32 says "the truth shall make you free." Realizing the truth has freed me from the oppression of superstitious belief and has given me true peace and joy. No pity here, please!

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