The Truth Has Not Been Tried
 by Len Schwee

The truth has not been tried because only a few have figured it out. Most still believe in ancient, man-made gods. There are about 5,000 religions on the face of earth, each of which claim to have the truth. Nobel Laureate, Paul D. Boyer, wrote, "Although science cannot prove that God and a Hereafter do not exist, the extensive understanding of life, the world, and the universe provided by science makes their existence highly unlikely."

Imagine a world without divisive religions. The whole problem in the Middle East would go away. The gold in the Spanish churches would be divided among the parishioners, improving the lives of many of the poor. Late and lazy Sunday mornings would be enjoyed. No more money would be wasted on the clergy. Population control would finally work. Everyone would agree on the truth that science has uncovered. So the sooner we scrap all the religious bunk, the better off we will be. Everybody wins!

Currently, children are brainwashed by their parents' religions, and it takes knowledge to overcome this indoctrination. Most conversions to the truth occur before the age of thirty on a single day when an educated thinker realizes for the first time that religion is nonsense.

Paul Boyer also wrote, "The intellectual darkness of the middle ages resulted principally from religious zealots...The use of observation and experimentation to gain knowledge, as fostered in the Greek civilization, was suppressed…Selection as a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences represents a pinnacle of achievement for American scientists. In a recent survey, only 10% of the members of the Academy retained their religious beliefs…and only about 5% of biologists believed in a God or a Hereafter... the enlightenment coming from science [leads] many thoughtful men and women to question the concept of God." Knowledge of evolution, DNA, the genetic code and biochemistry combine as the most effective tools to overcome religious indoctrination. Modern cosmology is also an effective and complimentary antidote.

Paul Boyer also wrote, "The intellectual darkness of the middle ages resulted principally from religious zealots...The use of observation and experimentation to gain knowledge, as fostered in the Greek civilization, was suppressed…Selection as a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences represents a pinnacle of achievement for American scientists. In a recent survey, only 10% of the members of the Academy retained their religious beliefs…and only about 5% of biologists believed in a God or a Hereafter... the enlightenment coming from science [leads] many thoughtful men and women to question the concept of God." Knowledge of evolution, DNA, the genetic code and biochemistry combine as the most effective tools to overcome religious indoctrination. Modern cosmology is also an effective and complimentary antidote.

Islam is a difficult major religion to overcome with knowledge because Muslims believe that all knowledge is contained in the Koran. Likewise, some Christians seem to think that all knowledge is contained in the Bible. Some of my older friends know all the antidotes but still practice their religions. They have become so accustomed to their beliefs that they prefer their beliefs to facts.

The evidence in the hills confirms Darwin's theory of evolution. The Catholic version of the theory claims that, at some point, God injected a soul into the first human. When the first human mated with an ape, did their child have half a soul? Or were there several infusions? Or, does God carefully watch and infuse a soul whenever humans mate? This forces Him to keep busy watching bedrooms, back seats, the woods, beaches and motels. In Darwin's version, humans evolve naturally without souls. Darwin needs no God and eliminates an afterlife. Recognizing the threat that evolution presents, some try to substitute unscientific creationism for evolution. They want to protect their beliefs at any cost, as if belief is more precious than the truth!

We must diligently teach biology and cosmology to our young so they are smart enough to see through their indoctrination. The big secret is to educate our youth with the truth early.

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