Freethought Views Essay Contest

Earn up to $225.00!

Potential topic arenas: agnosticism, atheism, Bill of Rights, civil rights, economics, equality, freethought, government prayer, history, human rights, law, logic, mathematics, medicine, peace, pastafarianism etc., pledge of allegiance, public education, reason, religion, reproductive rights, science, taxpayer funded religion, US Constitution, violence, war, zoroastrianism etc. and especially, the separation of church and state  

Contest details: Published articles will be about 550 words.  The article selected by the editor for publication (in this column in the Independent and at monthly wins a $25.00 prize.  First prize article (selected in November by board of directors) wins $200.00 and is re-run in December, second prize $75.00

Submission Information: email article to by midnight on the first day of each month.  

Please include your name, physical address, email address, and phone number on your submission.
