
« Sunday June 01, 2008 »
Start: 12:00 am
End: 4:00 pm

Hi Hiking Freethinkers,

The hike this Sunday will be the Bear Creek Trail to Jones Park. This is a relatively difficult hike with a significant elevation gain. If there is desire, we could go beyond Jones park towards the beaver ponds or to Frosty Park.

Start: 10:00 am
End: 1:00 pm

Join us for geocaching, hiking and a barbeque picnic on Sunday, June 1st, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at Fox Run Regional Park. This will be fun for kids and adults alike. If you've never heard of geocaching, come along, find out some more and join in! Children will learn how to follow a compass, how to use a GPS unit and how to collaborate with each other to find the buried treasure! Once we have finished treasure hunting we will grill a few hotdogs for those who wish to stay around and have fun at the park. For those who have smaller kids, there is a very nice playground near where we will meet.

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