Join the Freedom from Religion Foundation's "Out of the Closet" Virtual Billboard Campaign

Join the Freedom from Religion Foundation's

"Out of the Closet" Virtual Billboard Campaign

Declare and share your nonbelief! Although the nonreligious — including one in six U.S. citizens — are a significant segment of the world population, many Americans have never knowingly met a nonbeliever. You can help dispel myths, educate and promote reason by adding your voice, face and message to FFRF's friendly neighborhood freethinker campaign. FFRF's "Out of the Closet" billboards and bus signs are going up around the country. Although we can't put everyone on a real billboard, every nonbeliever can participate in this unique "cyberboard" campaign. (Yours might even be chosen, with your permission, for an actual billboard.) This is your chance to proclaim you're a freethinker and why. It's working for the gay rights movement. Now it's time for atheists and agnostics to come out of our closet. Many faces make Enlightenment work.


Learn more about the Freedom from Religion Foundation and its  "Out of the Closet" virtual billboard campaign.