What is scarier than gay high schoolers openly attending prom? Letting "atheists" pay for the prom cancelled to prevent it.

Many Americans take pride in the idea that their nation is the pinnacle of equality and freedom - even as they look down upon organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) who are willing to to the difficult and often unpopular work required to ensure America actually conforms to these ideals.

Although the American Civil Liberties Union often appears to be the refuge of last resort for those unlucky enough to belong to undesirable minorities in the United States, apparently there are kinds of 'controversy' even the American Civil Liberties Union appears afraid to touch. For example, accepting money from 'atheists.'

'To avoid further controversy, the American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi has rejected a $20,000 gift [offered by the American Humanist Association] intended to underwrite an alternate prom replacing one canceled by a local school district after a lesbian student demanded that she be allowed to attend with her girlfriend.'

Mississippi A.C.L.U. Rejects $20,000 for Alternate Prom - http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/01/us/01prom.html


Humanism is the idea that you can be good without a belief in God.

Apparently, the American Humanist Association is '...the first organization too controversial for the ACLU.'

'Said the ACLU spokesperson, "Although we support and understand organizations like yours, the majority of Mississippians tremble in terror at the word 'atheist.' These Southern Baptist types are mainly what makes up the town of Fulton." With that letter it seemed that the AHA may have earned the distinction of being the first organization to be too controversial for the ACLU. However, the ACLU seems to recognize the shortcomings of these comments, and has since apologized.'

Humanists Feeling Sting of Rejection by ACLU Chapter, Contribution to Alternate Prom Remains Uncertain  http://www.americanhumanist.org/news/details/2010-04-humanists-feeling-sting-of-rejection-by-aclu-chapter-


An ACLU spokesperson stated "Humanist Association had attached conditions to its gift that the organizers of the event would have trouble meeting." 

While an American Humanist Association spokesperson stated, "We have no conditions other than the expectation that we will receive the same level of recognition as other sponsors donating similar amounts. If anyone was providing a condition, it was the ACLU chapter not the AHA, in suggesting that we contribute anonymously," and "There's no reason that our humanism should be treated as something to be hidden."

It appears the alternate prom is scheduled for May 8, 2010 - and that the prom will take place without the donation from the American Humanist Association.