
« Thursday February 12, 2009 »
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm

Drinking Skeptically invites you to come and celebrate the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth!

We have a new location this month that is offering us our own section of the pub and a reserved pool table. There will be room for over twenty people. Help make this our largest turnout!

Darwin Day is a global celebration of science and reason held on or around Feb. 12, the birthday anniversary of evolutionary biologist Charles Darwin. Here is a link for more information about Darwin Day.

Drinking Skeptically is an informal social event designed to promote fellowship and networking among skeptics, critical-thinkers, and like-minded individuals.

Drinking Skeptically provides an opportunity for skeptics to talk, share ideas (and yes, drink) in a casual, relaxed atmosphere. We discuss the issues of the day and whatever else is on our minds. But most of all, we have fun while promoting skepticism, science, and rationality.

Everyone is welcome even if you do not drink.

Swing on by and enjoy the fun!
Fox and Hound Pub & Grille
3101 New Center Point
Colorado Springs, CO, 80922 (719) 570-0500

Please RSVP on here or through at:

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