
Sunday March 15, 2009
Start: 5:00 pm
End: 8:00 pm

If you'd like to meet other Freethinking parents, please come join us at a potluck and social on 15 March starting at 5pm, at one of our members homes in Southwest Colorado Springs. For more information and details, please email us at

Wednesday March 18, 2009
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm

This month's Drinking Skeptically will be in the private banquet room at Old Chicago's on Academy. They have lots of space, so there is no limit on how many can come. Bring a friend!

Old Chicago's has good food and plenty of beers. Swing on by for great conversations. This time we will be able to hear each other! Let's theme this on alternative medicine, or as I prefer to call it, "unproven remedies." Why this theme? Because I hope to give a presentation this month on homeopathy if I can find us a room for it.

Everyone is welcome even if you do not drink.

Old Chicago
4110 N Academy Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80918-6620

Please RSVP on here or at

Wednesday March 25, 2009
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm

Join us in watching part of the television documentary, "The Enemies of Reason: The Irrational Health Service," written and presented by Richard Dawkins. The documentary was broadcast on Channel 4 in the UK in 2007. If time permits the uncut interviews with Deepak Chopra and homeopath Dr. Peter Fisher will be included. Dawkins is critical of alternative medicine because it fails to meet the objective and statistical rigor that is required for conventional, scientifically based treatments. Homeopathy is a perfect example. In the United Kingdom the National Health Service uses taxpayers dollars to fund homeopathy despite there being no scientific rational for its use or any demonstrable effect on health beyond that of the placebo effect. Afterwards, there will be an open discussion. Freethinkers strive to base their beliefs upon facts, logic, and scientific inquiry. This applies to all areas of life, not just to religion. What is the best way of promoting rational thinking? Are the outspoken, and sometimes confrontational, methods of Richard Dawkins, PZ Myers, Christopher Hitchens, and James Randi the best ways to promote critical thinking of both pseudoscience and religion? Or should religious faith be treated differently?
Freethinkers of Colorado Springs
Membership Meeting
7:00 to 9:00 PM
315 East Costilla in Colorado Springs

Sunday April 5, 2009
Start: 9:30 am
End: 3:00 pm

The latest weather reports indicate a good chance for snow over the Palmer Divide on Saturday. If that happens the proposed hike up past Woodland Park and Rampart Range Road may not be a good option for now. Another possible hike is going to Red Rocks and explore some areas that are off the main area. I recently started a Red Rocks hike off 31st street a bit south of highway 24. I propose that we meet at the parking lot decribed below and decide where to hike on Sunday morning. Therefore we have two options:

Hike 1) Red Rocks OR

Saturday April 11, 2009
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm

Come and enjoy good food and great conversation with other Freethinkers! Bring a dish to share, bring your spouse and/or friend, and bring water, soft drinks, a bottle of beer or wine, or whatever you'd like to drink. Coffee and tea will be provided by the host(ess). Socials begin at 6:00 PM and usually break up around 9:00 PM. Remember to mark your calendar: our socials are on the second Saturday of each month. Click "Read more" for all the details.

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