
« Thursday April 30, 2009 »
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm

The Colorado Springs Skeptics invite you to their April monthly meeting.

Homeopathy is a billion dollar industry worldwide. While the highest sales for homeopathic remedies are in France, the sales in the United States continue to grow. Homeopathy is a great example of how alternative medicine differs from that of conventional medicine. The criticisms of homeopathy apply to other alternative health treatments as well – including Reiki, magnetic therapy, therapeutic touch, and acupuncture.

This month we will get a preview of John. R.'s Skepticamp talk: "Homeopathy: Medicine or Magic." What exactly is homeopathy? Does it have any basis in science? Is it effective? Why is its use becoming more accepted?

Cheyenne Mountain Library
1785 South 8th Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
(719) 633-6278

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