
Saturday April 17, 2010
Start: 12:02 pm

Citizens Project is excited to present their inaugural Citizen's Religious Freedom Institute, a one day seminar on religion in public schools.

This will be held April 17th, 2010 at The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

This seminar is for teachers, students, parents, administrators, staff, school board members, and open to the public.

If there is sufficient enrollment the program will be repeated on the 18th.

See: for more information.

Sunday April 18, 2010
Start: 10:00 am
End: 4:00 pm

There will be hike this Sunday, April 18th will be Section 16 - also know as the Palmer loop trail. This is a easy to moderate hike to go up but quite steep coming back down. There is also a very nice side trail overlooking Crystal Park that we will probably want to take. There is a small amount of snow and ice on the main part of the loop going up to the top (Alan and I were there yesterday). There is more snow close to the overlook on the side trail. This should also be no problem if everyone is careful.

Friday April 30, 2010
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm

The following was posted from our contact site:

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