
Sunday December 5, 2010
Start: 10:00 am
End: 3:00 pm

There will be a hike on Sunday, December 5th on Columbine Trail, which starts from the Starsmore Center and heads west towards Helen Hunt Falls in Cheyenne Canyon. The Starsmore Center, is located west of the intersection of Evans Ave., West Cheyenne Blvd., North Cheyenne Canyon Road and South Cheyenne Canyon Road (which leads to Seven Falls). There are 2 parking lots near Starsmore Center, we will meet at the parking lot closest to Starsmore Center. This parking lot is just south of South Cheyenne Canyon Road.

Friday December 17, 2010
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 10:30 pm

You are all invited to the annual HumanLight celebration! Open to all Freethinkers, Skeptics, Atheists, Humanists and fellow travelers. We will begin the evening with our traditional potluck dinner (6:00 PM) followed by the magic of Professor Higgins (new show for us), crafts for the young at heart, a special visit by a famous mythical fellow, and gift exchange*. Holding the line on inflation, same low price as last year; $5 per person, $12 per family suggested donation... You are very welcome to donate more if your wallet and heart permit!

Sunday December 19, 2010
Start: 10:00 am

Hi Hiking Freethinkers,

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