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Wednesday November 28, 2012
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm

You Deserve to Die: The Shameful Things the "Good News Club" Tells Elementary Schoolchildren
by Eric Cernyar
Wednesday, November 28, 2012         7:00 to 9:00 PM
Penrose Public Library Adult Meeting Room
20 North Cascade Street
Colorado Springs, Colorado 
For many years, an evangelical program called the "Good News Club" has taken a surprising approach to proseltyzing - offering after school programs in public schools that teach children of pre-school age and up that they were born with "dark" and "sinful hearts," and that they "deserve to die" and "go to Hell."  The November 2012 speaker has direct personal experience with these clubs, attending them as a child and working to defend them in court as an adult.  Becoming a parent changed his point of view about the value of teaching very young children the "good news" about hell, sin, and eternal damnation in the public schools (see  

Sunday December 9, 2012
Start: 6:00 am
End: 6:00 pm

The Freethinkers of Colorado Springs are looking for volunteers to help out at KRCC, Radio Colorado College, on Sunday, December 9th, answering phones for their on-air fund drive.

The Freethinkers have a "symbiotic" relationship with KRCC -- they give us lots of mentions on the air and free publicity, and in return we help them out every so often during their fund drives. We are not expected to pitch for money on the air -- all we do is answer the phones and record callers' basic information. It's very easy and quite a bit of fun. Please click "Read more" for additional details ...

Saturday December 22, 2012
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 10:00 pm

Mayan Calendar Survivors' Party
December 22, 2012     6:00 PM to ?
Jack Quinn's Pub 
21 South Tejon Street (upstairs)
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Please join the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs as we celebrate the "end of the Mayan Calendar" - and the latest scientifically dubious prediction of total apocalypse with comraderie, drink, food - and DOOR PRIZES.  

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