
« Saturday March 16, 2013 »
Start: 11:00 am
End: 4:00 pm


Freethinkers of Colorado Springs Float in the St. Patrick's Day Parade
March 16, 2013   11:00 AM
Colorado Springs
We'll be pulling a float and marching while passing out candy in the 2013 St. Patrick's Day parade! This is a huge opportunity to showcase freethought in Colorado Springs and get our message seen by thousands while participating in a wholesome family event.
We will be on the southwest corner of Dale st. and Tejon st. We cannot set up and get organized until 11 (after the races) and the parade starts at noon. Parking, as it is every year, will be problematic due to reserved float setup areas and road closures. Be prepared to walk a bit to get there, and consider the school clubs that let you park in a school parking lot for a small donation to a worthy cause.
Please wear green and/or attire that represents your freethinking stances. We already have our allotment of signs covered.
If you'd like to participate in the last minute phases of the float construction and preparation for the event (and get a sneak peak at our float), get in touch with Michael Clifton or Lisa Noon. That will be 5pm on the 15th.
KIDS ARE WELCOME!!! (The rules state that kids who cannot keep up with the parade must be in the float)

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