
« Thursday April 13, 2017 »
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 6:00 pm

Ecological Consciousness and Climate ChangeAsoka Bandarage Ph.D.
Thursday, April 13, 2017 4:00-6:00 pmSlocum Commons130 E. Cache La Poudre Street
Asoka Bandarage, Ph.D. is a visiting Professor at Colorado College, and participant in several recent Freethinker events. She will present a lecture on the political-economic causes of the climate crisis, impacts on populations and the philosophical shift need to bring about ecological consciousness as well as a socioeconomic system based on interdependence and partnership. It will address contemporary social movements, particularly those arising out of the global south, that are leading efforts toward social justice and ecological sustainability.

Asoka Bandarage, author of the book, Sustainability and Well Being: The Middle Path to Environment, Society and the Economy.

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