Secular Sunday Brunch

09/28/2014 - 09:30
09/28/2014 - 12:30

 Panera Bread: 3110 New Center Point

This is a social event without a preset discussion topic…just like-minded, non-religious people getting together to both strengthen friendships and make new friends. Many of us probably miss the sense of community that came from weekly gatherings at religious services and this is a great way to create community in a non-religious environment.

Special Note: The Secular Sundays Brunch will be meeting as follows for every month: The second Sunday of every month we will be meeting at the Southgate Panera Bread location at 1832 Southgate Road. The fourth Sunday of every month we will be meeting at the Panera Bread at 3110 New Center Point.

The coffee and breakfast is optional, but very good. The conversation is free flowing and  non-directed.  We have been averaging 6 to 12 people at these events. 

We start gathering around 9:30.  Most folks are there by 10:30.  Some folks stay as long as 12:30 PM.     Don't worry about when you arrive, just bring a good story and an eager ear.

If the group gets too big for easy conversation, consider jumping to another table and forming a new group.

Call or text for more information   719-659-5075