Freethinkers of Colorado Springs Day at KRCC

11/02/2014 - 07:00
11/02/2014 - 17:00

Join the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs in one of our longest running activities, 
supporting KRCC's fund drive.


Helping with the KRCC fund drive has been a great community service project and source of new members.  Their NPR (National Public Radio) news programming attracts lots of rational listeners and can be heard at it's best at 91.5 FM between 6 am and 9am, then again between 3 and 8pm, on weekdays.  Between those hours they have lots of locally created music programs.  


Freethinkers began "sponsoring" KRCC around 1995 with several paid spots.  We also paid to sponsor some programs, and have participated in KRCC's Public Service Announcements.

This Sunday's “helping hand” will be in answering telephone calls during their twice-yearly donation drive.  We'll have 5 to 10 Freethinkers joining with a couple of other volunteers.  We usually get a few calls, but mostly visit with other volunteers and tour the station.  They often have great snacks, and lots of hot coffee and tea.

We start this process at 7am, and help with the fund drive through 5 pm. We try to sign up volunteers in 2 hours blocks during the day.  Many of the volunteers come from the local "liberal" community, so you might find yourself sitting across the table from a College professor, an aspiring musician, or a budding real estate agent.


If you are willing to help with this good cause, please call Deborah at 598-8423 or email her at .  The station is at 912 N Weber St in the Springs downtown area.( near Uintah and Nevada, Off-ramp 143)