ACLU: Greatest Successes and Current Activities by Kathleen Hynes

01/20/2015 - 18:30
01/20/2015 - 20:30

ACLU: Greatest Successes and Current Activities by Kathleen Hynes

East Library, 5550 North Union

We'll be treated to a rousing story of the American Civil Liberties  Union by Denver area spokesperson Kathleen Hynes. We asked her to tell us about the ACLU's greatest successes, and then tell us about it's current big challenges. If she were speaking today issue like police murders, US torture policies, campaign corruption might be the big issue. No one knows what will be the hot issues come mid January, but that's what we will be talking about.

The event will start at 6:30 PM . We will be limiting this event to 25 people, so please sign up here if you are expecting to attending.  And plan to arrive early to make sure you get a seat.  It would very helpful if you would sign up here, so we have some idea of how many people might attend.



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