Secular Sunday Brunch 7344 N. Academy blvd

11/08/2015 - 09:00
11/08/2015 - 11:30

This Secular Sunday Brunch is a social event for nonreligious people to talk about current events, religious craziness, politics, family relationships, or what ever comes up. Our main goal is to continue developing a sense of community.

We average 8.7 people per meeting. At the Nov. 1 meeting we had 13, with 3 first-timers. Some folks come to these events for just a few months, then move on to other things. Or they stay and become one of our 8.7 long term participants. I consider a visitor a success if they return for 3 meetings. Some people show up once a year. Others come every week.

People often bring a book they are reading to share sections with the group. Sometimes cell phones bearing pictures get passed around. Keep these things short. Attention spans may vary. Bring a personal card or some paper. You might want to give someone there your name and phone number. But maybe not.
We are currently holding 4 of these events each month. On the 1st & 2nd Sundays, we meet at 7344 N. Academy. The 3rd and 4th Sundays are at 3110 New Center Point, off of Powers Blvd and South Carefree.