"Extreme Adventure" hike to Green Settlement and Greenwood Park on Sunday, June 19th

06/19/2011 - 10:00
06/19/2011 - 17:00

If you are interested in this hike, please go to www.meetip.com/hiking-freethinkers to RSVP.

There will be an "Extreme Adventure" hike on Sunday, June 19th to Green Settlement and Greenwood Park. These are ghost towns southwest of the top of Muscoco Mountain. The hike starts on the Mount Cutler trail and then goes up on the shoulder of Muscoco Mountain and then back down to Daniels Pass. From there we continue going down on a "trail" to Green Settlement and Greenwood Park. This old "trail" is extremely overgrown a large portion of the way down. It is very easy to get off the trail and not know what happened to the trail. A great deal of "bush whacking" will most likely be required.

We will also be going to an overlook above South Cheyenne Creek. From here, Twilight Canyon is extremely spectacular. However, getting to the last lookout is not for a novice hiker. Scrambling down and then up to this lookout is very difficult and dangerous. The last few steps to the end of the lookout could be fatal if extreme care is not taken. Only experienced hikers that I know well and trust their ability will be allowed on this part of the trip. Overall I rate this hike difficult. Going to the end of the lookout, extremely difficult and dangerous.

On our return to the vehicles, we will be going back up to Daniels Pass and then back down towards North Cheyenne Canyon Road. Just before we get to the road we have to cross North Cheyenne Creek. From there we walk on the side of the road back to the parking lot. The parking lot at the trailhead is very small, so we will be parking offsite and carpooling to the trailhead parking lot.

We will meet at the The Starsmore Center, which is located west of the intersection of Evans Ave., West Cheyenne Blvd., North Cheyenne Canyon Road and South Cheyenne Canyon Road (which leads to Seven Falls). There are 2 parking lots near Starsmore Center, we will meet at the parking lot closest to the Starsmore Center. This parking lot is just south of South Cheyenne Canyon Road. Turn left into the parking lot immediately after passing the intersection of all these streets. We will be leaving this parking lot promptly at 10 AM. The Mount Cutler trailhead is a mile or two up North Cheyenne Canyon Road on the left.

Please bring enough water and snacks for the hike.

Due to the number of people on the hike, please let me know if you plan on attending the hike. If you change your mind, please let me know that also.

"Extreme Adventure" hikes are designed for the "above average" hiker that I know well and trust their ability on difficult and dangerous portions of the hike. However, since the extremely difficult and dangerous portion of this hike can be easily left out by anyone who does not want to do that or by people that I do not think should do that, this hike is open to anyone who is interested.

Rich (594-4506)