Sunday, Feb. 1st Hike is CANCELLED

02/01/2009 - 10:00
02/01/2009 - 14:00

Hi Hiking Freethinkers,

The hike this Sunday, February 1st has been cancelled. The weather forecast is not very good for Sunday and Georgianne and I are no longer available for a hike on Saturday.

Rich (594-4506)


Hi Hiking Freethinkers,

The hike this Sunday, February 1st will be Red Rocks. There are several trails of different length and difficulty level from which to choose. They are all relatively easy trails. Expect winter conditions on the trails. There will probably be packed snow and ice on the trails in some locations. The hike will start at 10:00 AM.

Directions: From Interstate 25, go west on highway 24. Turn left on Ridge Road (which is the first exit past 31st Street). There is a large parking lot almost immediately on the left.

Due to the number of people on the hike, it is extremely useful to me if I know who plans on attending the hike.

Rich (594-4506)