Darwin Day 2017: Live Skype Q&A with Professor Cameron M. Smith

02/12/2017 - 13:30
02/12/2017 - 14:30

Darwin Day in Colorado Springs

Live Skype Q&A with Professor Cameron M. Smith

Library 21c Room b-1

1175 Chapel Hills Drive

 February 12, 1:30 to 2:30 pm


Please RSVP on Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Colorado-Springs-College-Big-Ten-Alunmi/

Cameron M Smith is a co-author of the book The Top 10 Myths About Evolution.

Please join us for a live Skype Q&A with Professor Smith on Charles Darwin's 208th birthday, February 12th, 2017.



The Top 10 Myths About Evolution, By Professors Cameron M. Smith and Charles Sullivan Available on Amazon.

In this concise, accessible, "myth-buster’s handbook," educators Cameron M. Smith and Charles Sullivan clearly dispel the ten most common myths about evolution, which continue to mislead average Americans. Using a refreshing, jargon-free style, they set the record straight on claims that evolution is "just a theory," that Darwinian explanations of life undercut morality, that Intelligent Design is a legitimate alternative to conventional science, that humans come from chimpanzees, and six other popular but erroneous notions. Smith and Sullivan’s reader-friendly, solidly researched text will serve as an important tool, both for teachers and laypersons seeking accurate information about evolution.

We will have a live Skype Q&A with Professor Smith.