The Freethinkers of Colorado Springs accept points of view verified by engineering, logic, mathematics, and science rather than beliefs stemming from authority, emotion, dogma, or tradition. Founded in 1993 in response to Colorado's Amendment 2, the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs advocate the use of reason, defend the separation of church and state, and support interpersonal dialogue, non-violence, human rights, civil rights, reproductive rights, and equality for all.

Supply Side - Again? - by Groff Schroeder: October 2008

Supply Side - Again?  

By Groff Schroeder

How many times have you heard it?  The best way to help the poor (economy, housing prices, stock market) is to give America’s wealthiest citizens and corporations US Tax Dollars.  Usually, those receiving such “richfare” appear to already have enough money to buy anything – including “representatives” of We the People.

Amendment 48 - Muddled Thinking - by Douglas Schrepel: October 2008

Amendment 48 - Muddled Thinking

 by Douglas Schrepel

This November voters in Colorado will be faced with the prospect of extending the notion of “personhood” to the moment of human conception.  Amendment 48 is the result of a petition drive headed by Kristi Burton and a group calling themselves Colorado for Equal Rights.  According to Burton, amendment 48 would, “…guarantee every person, at every stage of life, the right to life, liberty, equality of justice and due process of law.”

Shame on the Churches - by Jan Brazill: October 2011

Shame on the Churches

by Jan Brazill

September 28 should go down as a Day of Shame for churches—at least for those who participate in “Pulpit Freedom Sunday,” the Alliance Defense Fund’s scheme to politicize America’s houses of worship (  

Little White Lies - by Groff Schroeder: October 2008

Little White Lies

by Groff Schroeder

Fruits of the Culture of Life - by Jan Brazill: October 2008

Fruits of the Culture of Life

by Jan Brazill


"By their fruits ye shall know them." As Matthew 7:16 further explains, "every good tree gives good fruit; but the bad tree gives evil fruit."


Silly Season to start slightly early this year

It's October which is the signal to start the Silly Season arguing about  ... Christmas, right?  The "War on Christmas" gets off to an early start this year in Falcon School District 49 where the School Board is looking to make a revision to the district's Commitment to Religious Neutrality policy.

First, a few paragraphs from the document the board will be reviewing.


Shame on the Churches - by Jan Brazill: September 2008

Shame on the Churches

by Jan Brazill

Triumph of Reason Forensics - by Groff Schroeder: September 2008

Triumph of Reason Forensics

by Groff Schroeder

Correction in Order? - by Groff Schroeder: August 2008

Correction in Order?


by Groff Schroeder


The August 20, 2008 Colorado Springs Gazette “Our View” column[1], “Dems Dismiss the Atheists” appears to contain numerous factual errors, logical fallacies and personal criticisms.  This advertisement addresses several.       


Almost 2500 years ago, the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Socrates laid the foundations of freethought by defining the principles of rational thought, ethics and morality.  At about the same time Gautama Buddha advocated not accepting something as true just because someone or something claims it is true.  Many believe modern freethought began with the execution of Giordano Bruno (in 1600 during the Catholic Inquisition) for refusing to recant statements that the earth orbits the sun.  Freethinkers have varied personal philosophies yet are generally skeptical of claims, scriptures, testimonials and traditions as sources of information.  Furthermore, despite organized competitive experimental reproduction and intergenerational cross checking, many freethinkers remain skeptical of theories derived from the methods of science until after about 100 years of scholarly validation. 

Several Observations and Facts - by Len Schwee: August 2008

Several Observations and Facts


by Len Schwee



When a lawyer enters a courtroom where an unpredictable judge presides, he warns his client, “Anything is possible.” But if you say, “Anything is possible” to a physicist, he will probably respond that most things are not possible. Unless something conforms to the laws of physics, it will not happen. It is far better in physics to say, “If something can happen, it might.” But if you say that to your wife, she might respond, “No kidding, Dick Tracy.” She will recognize that the statement is self evident, but may not notice it as a secret of the universe.

Saddleback Ride - by Groff Schroeder: August 2008

Saddleback Ride 

by Groff Schroeder


The “presumptive” 2008 presidential candidates first appeared together in the Saddleback Church's “Civil Forum on the Presidency” on August 18. No full text of the event exists online 48 hours later and no one appeared to use the word “Constitution” in the forum. Those of us sworn to defend the Constitution may find these facts and the event's sponsorship and administration by a probably biased Evangelical church (rather than independent journalists) very disturbing.

Are We "One Nation Under God"? -- Question for Dr. Leland

The Freethinkers of Colorado Springs got to ask Dr. Leland one question. The question was: "The pledge of allegiance was intended to be a show of national solidarity. It is meant to unify our nation. Our nation includes Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, pantheists, agnostics, humanists, and atheists. How does keeping 'under God' in the pledge unite all American people?"

The Power of Prayer - by Groff Schroeder: August 2008

The Power of Prayer

By Groff Schroeder


Surveys suggest 90% of Americans pray, 30-40% pray daily and some 70% believe prayer can help cure illness.1 Even “common sense” suggests if prayers do not help, they cannot hurt – right?

Are We "One Nation Under God"? -- Dr. Chris Leland's Rebuttal

The Freethinkers of Colorado Springs and Focus on the Family sponsor a debate between Reverend Dr. Michael Newdow and Dr. Chris Leland. The debate statement is: Resolved: The phrases “one Nation under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance and “In God We Trust” on U.S. currency violate the Constitution. This is Dr. Leland's Rebuttal to Dr. Newdow's presentation.

Are We "One Nation Under God"? -- Rev. Dr. Michael Newdow's Rebuttal

The Freethinkers of Colorado Springs and Focus on the Family sponsored a debate between Reverend Dr. Michael Newdow and Dr. Chris Leland. The debate statement was: Resolved: The phrases “one Nation under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance and “In God We Trust” on U.S. currency violate the Constitution.

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