Section 16 hike on Sunday, Nov. 7

11/07/2010 - 09:00
11/07/2010 - 15:00

Hi Hiking Freethinkers,

The hike this Sunday, November 7th will be Section 16 - also know as the Palmer loop trail. This is a easy to moderate hike to go up but quite steep coming back down. There is also a very nice side trail overlooking Crystal Park that we will probably want to take.

To get there from Highway 24 and 26th Street, head south on 26th Street. In about 1 1/2 miles the road turns into Bear Creek Road. Continue on Bear Creek Road. In about 1 mile, Bear Creek Road dead ends and High Drive continues. High Drive is a one way road going north (do not enter). Also, at that location Gold Camp road crosses (again) and continues up. Make a U turn and park on the east side of Bear Creek Road just south of the end of High Drive. We will leave the parking area to start the hike at 9:00 AM. Please remember to reset your clocks the evening before the hike.

Please bring enough water and snacks for the hike.

Due to the number of people on the hike, please let me know if you plan on attending the hike. If you change your mind, please let her know that also.

Rich (594-4506)