Atheists in Foxholes (and airplanes, ships & desks) get a seat at the table

11/17/2010 - 19:00

Atheists in Foxholes (and airplanes, ships & desks) get a seat at the table

by Jason Torpy

President of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers

November 17, 2010 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Gill Foundation Building

315 East Costilla, Colorado Springs


Jason Torpy, president of Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers will speak about MAAF's role at a recent religious tolerance conference at the AFA, the progress it is making and the future of MAAF. MAAF is moving its offices to Washington DC where it can better support the military men and women of all branches of the service.

This program is open to all, and we especially welcome members of the military, both active duty and retired. Here is your opportunity to understand your rights as non theistic (or alternatively theistic) members of the military. For those of us who are not related to the military Mr. Torpy will also address how MAAF activities effect us.

You need not be a member of the Freethinkers to attend.

We will be passing the hat and suggesting donations of $10 or more to support MAAF's on-going work. This is only "suggested", please do not let your current economic situation keep you from attending.