Would you like to help out the victims of the tornado in Oklahoma?

At 3:01 pm CT on May 20th, a massive F-4 tornado decimated the Oklahoma City suburb of Moore. Scores of severe injuries and deaths have been reported, and intense work is under way to find and rescue those trapped in the rubble. Would you like to help? Please click "Read more" below ...

At the American Humanist Association (AHA), "Humanist Charities" is raising money to support the Red Cross’ efforts in bringing relief to this devastated community.

And, at the Foundation Beyond Belief (FBB), their "Humanist Crisis Response" program has opened a donation drive in response to the disaster. Operation USA and the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma have been chosen to receive FBB donations; these organizations were selected due to their long records of outstanding work, their high ratings and transparency, and their current direct work in the disaster zone addressing the primary needs of food, shelter, and medical aid.

Donations will be forwarded continuously during the emergency period. All donations to and through AHA and FBB and are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

If you would like to help out the victims of this disaster, and if you'd like it known that this help is coming from folks like us -- Freethinkers, Humanists, Atheists, Agnostics, etc -- please go to either (or both) of the following websites to make your donation(s):


