Freethought Families with Kids afternoon Play and Visit Session

02/12/2011 - 13:00
02/12/2011 - 16:00

This our Second Monthly Freethinkers Family and Kids gathering of 2011.
We'll gather at the Hale House ( 6158 Briarcliff) at from 1 pm to 4 pm. of February 12. And that happens to be Charlie Darwin's 201st birthday. Maybe we should have a party.??!!
We might plan on some light finger snacks, but everyone should arrive happily fed.
Last month the Air Hockey and Foozball tables got good workouts and might star again. And we will probably have a second go at our Electric Car Rally, assuming all the injuries heal up and repairs get made. Our under-used Wii game was ignored ( that never breaks my heart).
Janet and Thor brought a game which we didn't play, but if someone wanted to bring one and lead the effort, it might work out well.
In January we had four or five teenage freethinkers ( one claimed to be a christian by birth but no longer believes a word of it ). They mostly talked, but played some pool and many did a walked around the neighborhood later in the day.
We had three 10 to 13 year olds and a set of 8-5 year olds.
And their were several families that emailed me saying they couldn't make that day but would try for later events.
If the weather suddenly turns warm and wonderful, we might head to one of the local parks. All of the toilets are locked for tax savings reasons but they haven't rolled up the grass yet.

I'll post more details as the day draws near on

We very much want folks to RSVP (on with the number of people in your party. If too many people want to come, we might have to set a limit.