Secular Sundays Brunch: Second Sunday

04/10/2011 - 09:30
04/10/2011 - 11:00


This second Sunday of the month the local Freethought community will be gathering at...

Panera Bread off Powers Blvd

1832 Southgate Road 

at 9:30 AM


We meet in a separate community room. There is no pressure from the business to buy anything. Some people buy breakfast, others just a cup of tea or coffee. It usually draws 15 to 25 people with lots of good conversation. 

This is a social event without a preset discussion topic…just like-minded, non-religious people getting together to both strengthen friendships and make new friends. Many of us probably miss the sense of community that came from weekly gatherings at religious services and this is a great way to create community in a non-religious environment.


Secular Sundays Brunch Schedule:

Secular Sundays Brunch occurs TWICE MONTHLY as follows:

The SECOND SUNDAY of every month we will be meeting at the Panera Bread at 1832 Southgate Road off of south Nevada.

The FOURTH SUNDAY of every month we will be meeting at the Panera Bread at 3120 New Center Pt off of Powers.


Everybody welcome!