FTFKDad - blog introduction


For a first personal blog entry, perhaps an introduction and some blog objectives would be in order.


We (me and my family) have been members of the FTFK group for less than a year but have already met a lot of really great people. Living in the Springs you might not think there are a lot of Freethinkers, but there are. It's just one of those places where you are not going to find a lot of people talking openly about that kind of thing to their neighbors or bringing it up in any kind of forum. We actually got attracted to join the group last spring when the website had a major re-vamp and the group started advertising a lot of really cool and fun activities that we could do with the kids.


We have three kids who all go to public school here in the Springs. They all enjoy multiple activities both sporting and non-sporting. Perhaps along with writing about the FTFK events we hold here in the Springs I'll write about some of my own kids other activities if I can find a Freethinking slant to a story. No, I won't be identifying myself or my family openly to anyone who can read this blog. If you are a member of the Freethinkers group, I look forward to meeting you. If you aren't a member, come along and join us! By the way, I'll continue referring to myself as FTFKDad, then to my wife as FTFKMom and the kids as FTFK1,2 and 3.


I am going to try writing this blog for two types of audience. (1) I'd like to write it for kids - I don't think there are a lot of 'freethinker resource' sources on the web for kids of school age. If there are and you are reading this and know of some resources, please let me know! Yes, I know there are lots of web resources on the web available but the vast majority are really aimed at an adult audience. (2) I'd also like to write some articles for Freethinking parents or parents who are trying to bring up their kids in a secular, freethinking environment. There was (and hopefully will be again) a blog written by "Possummomma" that I used to read regularly. I am not linking to it because it is off the internet airwaves at the moment. If by some miracle Possummomma reads this then please add my name to the chorus of people who enjoyed reading her postings, and I hope you have the courage to come back on the internet-waves again!


I am writing this a few hours before the next FTFK event is due to start but WE CAN'T MAKE IT. Aaaargh !!!! The HumanLight competition event has been planned now for more than a month and we were really looking forward to it but I got called to travel on business over the weekend and had to postpone our own involvement at the last minute (FTFKMom has too much going on this weekend). Hope everyone who goes had a good time and we managed to get some entries to send off to the HumanLight organization!