Saturday, Nov. 1st Hike

11/01/2008 - 10:00
11/01/2008 - 15:00

The hike this Saturday will be Section 16 - also know as the Palmer loop trail. This is a easy to moderate hike to go up but quite steep coming back down. There is also a very nice side trail overlooking Crystal Park that we will probably want to take.

To get there from Highway 24 and 26th Street, head south on 26th Street. In about 1 1/2 miles the road turns into Bear Creek Road. Continue on Bear Creek Road. In about 1 mile, Bear Creek Road dead ends and High Drive continues. High Drive is a one way road going north (do not enter). Also, at that location Gold Camp road crosses (again) and continues up. Make a U turn and park on the east side of Bear Creek Road just south of the end of High Drive. We will leave the parking area at 10:00 AM.

Due to the number of people on the hike, it is extremely useful to me if I know who plans on attending the hike.

Rich (594-4506)