Important Election (not that one!)


Today is an important election day. At least it's very important in the eyes of my 3 elementary school kids especially my oldest daughter. The school is taking an opportunity to use the presidential election to teach the kids about voting and democracy so the kids are having their own election for a series of "posts" in their school


My daughter (D1) wanted to run for Vice President but somehow managed to put herself down for Secretary instead by accident. She isn't sure what that actually means but she is still going to give it a go. She can't try for President because she is not old enough (echoes of the current election somehow!?)  The kids who put themselves up for election had to do a 30 second television commercial which got broadcast around the school (she forgot to say her 'catchphrase' at the end of her commercial, but never mind) and all the kids are allowed to put up a maximum of 3 posters. D1 prepared 3 posters and following my advice did not put her photo on them. She was a bit annoyed that all the other kids seemed to have done that. Perhaps Dad doesn't really understand politics after all! (most likely true).


So today is her big day. She does have one big advantage over the other kids. She has two siblings in different grades who might have been trying to help her by telling the other kids in their classes to vote for D1. The teacher told them both they are not allowed to, but I am thinking that perhaps they found a way (legally, of course, although bribing other kids with candy was a thought that occurred to one of them!). At least in the election some Name Recognition can't hurt, can it?


What a brilliant way to learn about democracy and the voting process !


I'll report on the results of course. Perhaps we'll even plan a celebration party if she wins !