Secular Sunday Brunch (3rd and 4th Sundays): 3110 New Center Point Panera Bread

10/22/2017 - 09:30

NOTE: After October 22, 2017, all future Freethinkers of Colorado Secular Sunday Brunches will be held at at 7344 N. Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO

Previously, on the 3rd and 4th Sundays of each month we met at the east side Panera Bread,

at 3110 New Center Pt., (Powers Blvd. and S. Carefree), Colorado Springs, CO

from 9:30 to 11:30 AM with no formal meeting on 5th Sunday. <\p>

See for more info.

This is a social event without an established discussion topic, just like-minded, non-religious people getting together to both strengthen friendships and make new friends. Many of us probably miss the sense of community that came from weekly gatherings, and this is a great way to create community in a non-religious environment.

Look for a small paper sign on our tables saying "Freethinkers and Atheists," so you know you have found your friends. We usually start gathering around 9:15, but some folks join us as late at 10:30 or 11. The food and coffee is good, and available at the front counter. Most of our folks buy something, but nothing says you have to.

Participants range from those who just left their lifetime "church homes" to people raised in multigenerational atheist families. Conversations involving religion, or the lack thereof, range from agnosticism to zoroastrianism, and the great societal power wielded by churches in the United States means politics is often discussed. Don't be suprised by discussions involving "conspiracy theories" such as "dominion theology" or "christian reconstructionism."

NOTE: No formal meeting on 5th Sunday.