Secular Sunday Brunch at Panera Bread N. Academy

04/10/2016 - 09:30

We will again be experimenting with a single conversation around the table in a back room of the Panara's
Last week we had 20 folks involved in a 90 minute discuss that covered topics like religious craziness, suicide, late night TV shows, movies, National Geographic "special" on god, local freeway construction projects, politics and lots more.
We also did an "around the table" series of introductions and stories. Everyone told us something about themselves or their lives or dreams, or whatever they wanted. It was very pleasant and we learned lots more about our friends.
We will try to repeat this success again on Sunday April 10. If you are new to the group, look for the Freethinkers sign on one of our tables.

Special Note: The Secular Sundays Brunch will be meeting on the following weeks each month: First and second Sunday, North Academy, in the back room. On the third and fourth Sunday we gather at the Panera Bread on New Center Pt off of Powers Blvd and Carefree.