Freethinkers of Colorado Springs Debate: Is the God of the Bible Worth Worshipping?

04/27/2016 - 19:00
04/27/2016 - 20:45

Is the God of the Bible Worth Worshipping?

Lamont Mapps and Matthew Barad

Wednesday, April 27, 2016   7:00-8:45 PM
Library 21C - The Venue
1175 Chapel Hills Dr., Colorado Springs, CO


Free and open to the public


             Lamont Mapps                                                Matthew Barad

Debaters Lamont Mapps and Matthew Barad

Is the God of the Bible Worth Worshipping? The religion free Matthew Barad, an Air Academy High senior, will argue that it is not. Lamont Mapps will defend the Christian viewpoint. Here is a explanation by Matthew of this topic, "Debates surrounding the Christian God often remain fixated on questions of existence, and how belief in a deity can reconcile itself with the modern world. While these debates are incredibly interesting and deserving of their prominence, they tend to omit questions which are in dire need of consideration."  Tonight’s topic is one of those questions.

Both debaters will begin with the assumption that the God of the Bible is real (only one really believes that), and they will have a discussion as to his worthiness of our worship. In debating the answer to the prompt, “Assuming the God of the Bible is real, is he worth worshipping?” Lamont and Matthew hope to uncover a deeper level of dialogue regarding Christianity, and hope that the community might do the same."  

Lamont has demonstrated his orator skills in other debates with freethinkers. At the last debate, Matthew stepped up and said, " I want to debate that guy." He claims success in high school debates and a passion to argue the ideas of freethinkers. Gary Hale will moderate the debate.

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