Does Ignorance Deserve Respect?

Professor Michael Reiss, the Royal Society's former director of Education in Britain, believes that science lessons in state schools should not omit things simply because they lack scientific support. Why does Professor Reiss want unscientific world views taught in science classes? Because he feels students who have creationist beliefs deserve respect.

Professor Reiss are you a nutter?

Should geography classes ban globes of the earth out of respect for students who believe the world is flat? Do you feel Hippocrates's four bodily humors, phrenology, or homeopathy should be taught in medical schools? Students who attend math classes are supposed to learn mathematics. Students who attend science classes are supposed to learn science. Creationism is not science. It is a religious belief that has no scientific support. Students attend schools in order to learn; they do not go to have their ignorance blessed.

For more information check out The Guardian.