Sunday, November 1st Hike

11/01/2009 - 10:00
11/01/2009 - 14:00

The hike this Sunday will be the Columbine Trail, which starts from the Starsmore Center and heads west towards Helen Hunt Falls in Cheyenne Canyon. The Starsmore Center, is located west of the intersection of Evans Ave., West Cheyenne Blvd., North Cheyenne Canyon Road and South Cheyenne Canyon Road (which leads to Seven Falls). There are 2 parking lots near Starsmore Center, we will meet at the parking lot closest to Starsmore Center. This parking lot is just south of South Cheyenne Canyon Road. Turn left into the parking lot immediately after passing the intersection of all these streets. The hike will start at 10 AM.

Due to the number of people on the hike, it is extremely useful to me if I know who plans on attending the hike.

Rich (594-4506)