Movie Night April 2017: Pay to Play

05/16/2017 - 18:30
05/16/2017 - 20:45

Freethinkers of Colorado Springs

Movie Night: Pay to Play

Penrose Public Library Aspen and Pine Rooms

20 South Cascade

April 18, 6:30 pm


You are cordially invited to join the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs for Movie Nights on the third Tuesday of each month at Penrose Public Library, 20 North Cascade Avenue in Colorado Springs.

The upcoming event is Tuesday, May 16th, at 6:30 pm. We will view a 2014 documentary directed by John Ennis: "Pay 2 Play — Democracy’s High Stakes." It follows filmmaker John Ennis’s quest to find a way out from under the pay-to-play system, the cycle where politicians reward their donors with even larger sums from the public treasury — through contracts, jobs, tax cuts, and deregulation. Along the way, he journeys through high drama on the Ohio campaign trail, uncovers the secret history of the game Monopoly, and explores the underworld of L A street art on a humorous odyssey that reveals how much of a difference one person can make. "Pay 2 Play" is the layman’s guidebook to taking back our democracy.

We have reserved the combined Aspen and Pine Rooms in  Penrose Library for these events. As you enter the building from Cascade Avenue, go straight ahead to the information desk, which is marked by the word “ASK” in large letters. Turn right and follow the wall to your right, past the elevator, and look for the big blue Freethinkers sign.

Once again, that’s "Pay 2 Play," Tuesday, May 16th, 6:30 pm at Penrose Public Library, 20 North Cascade Avenue. We hope you can make it!