Donate to Haitian Relief in the name of Humanism

Freethinkers have their very own on the ground helping in Haiti.Humanist Charities(HC)is working with Sebastian Velez, evolutionary biologist at Harvard University and director of the Children of the Border project.
Mr. Velez is currently in Haiti assessing the situation and will report back to Humanist Charities an organization that can receive funds directly to help with relief efforts. If none is found, HC will make a donation to the American Red Cross' International Response Fund on your behalf.
We urge all members of the humanist and freethought community to join us in the relief effort. You can make a donation to the Humanist Charities' Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund online at or by calling 1-800-837-3792. [img_assist|nid=405|title=humanist charities|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=38]