Islam, Modesty, and Feminism: Ex-Muslims of North America

10/05/2017 - 18:00
10/05/2017 - 20:30

Islam, Modesty, and Feminism

Ex-Muslims of North American

Normalizing Dissent Tour

October 5, 6:00 PM

University of Colorado, Boulder

Room HUMN 1B50








The Ex-Muslims of North America (EXMNA) "envision a world where every person is free to follow their own conscience" and is "is the first organization of its kind to establish communities exclusive to ex-muslims in order to foster a sense of camaraderie and offer a space free of judgement for lack of religiosity."  The Ex-Muslims of North America advocate "for acceptance of religious dissent, promotes secular values, and aims to reduce discrimination faced by those who leave Islam."  The objectives of the EXMNA include: "reduc[ing] discrimination faced by those who leave Islam, advocate for acceptance of religious dissent, and promote secular values, counter[ing] the isolation facing non-theist Ex-Muslims by fostering communities and support networks, and amplify diverse Ex-Muslim voices and experiences, and stand against those who seek to stifle criticism of Islam."

Representatives of the Ex-Muslims of North America "speak at conferences across the United States and Canada as well as appear on various media outlets," and the organization "launched The Ex-Muslim – the world’s first and only online magazine and blogroll offering a nuanced insight on Islam from former Muslims," and created the No Bigotry - No Apology policy paper.