FCS Movie Night October 30 2018: The Great Dictator by Charlie Chaplin

10/30/2018 - 18:30
10/30/2018 - 20:45

Freethinkers of Colorado Springs Movie Night October 2018

The Great Dictator

Charlie Chaplin

Tuesday, October 30th

6:30 - 8:45 pm

in the Aspen and Pine Rooms

at Penrose Public Library


You are cordially invited to join the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs for Movie Night! This months’ presentation will be Tuesday, the 30th, at 6:30 pm, at Penrose Public Library, 20 North Cascade Avenue in Colorado Springs.

We will see Charles Chaplin’s 1940 film, "The Great Dictator." Chaplin not only wrote and directed the film (his first pure “talkie”) but also stars as a Jewish barber who is mistaken for Adenoid Hynkel, the cruel dictator of Tomania (a caricature of Hitler). Also starring in "The Great Dictator" are Paulette Goddard as the barber’s friend Hannah, Jack Oakie as Benzino Napaloni, dictator of Bacteria (and a spoof of Mussolini), Reginald Gardiner as Schultz, Billy Gilbert as Herring, and Henry Daniell as Garbitsch. "The Great Dictator" was nominated for five Oscars.

We have reserved the combined Aspen and Pine Rooms in Penrose Library for these events. As you enter the building from Cascade Avenue, go straight ahead to the information desk, which is to your left. Turn right and follow the wall to your right, past the elevator, and look for the big blue Freethinkers sign.

Please join us on for "The Great Dictator," Tuesday, October 30th, at 6:30 pm.


Admission is free.


Everybody welcome!