Celebrate HumanLight with "Best Solo Musician" - Joe Uveges

12/17/2011 - 18:00
12/17/2011 - 22:00

Come celebrate HumanLight with us. This is our largest event of the year!

This year we are proud to have Joe Uveges “Best Solo Musician – Gazette” 2011 performing!
See http://www.youtube.com/v/SB4HvVEMFig&rel=1 for “The Librarian’s Song” video on You Tube.

The Freethinkers of Colorado Springs will be celebrating our 8th annual HumanLight Celebration! Please join us, all freethinkers and skeptics are cordially invited!

Date: Saturday, December 17th, 6.00 pm.

Location: 1825 Dominion Way, Colorado Springs CO 80918 (Academy Miniature Golf on maps.google.com), east off North Academy, behind 3 Margaritas between Lehman and Dublin.

Admission: $5 per person, $15 per family -- please bring at least one canned food item for "Care & Share."

Entertainment will be provided by Mr. Joe Uveges, highly recommended!

There will be special visit from Santa for our young ones and our ever popular White Elephant Gift Exchange and HumanLight candle-lighting.

Food: Pot luck; attendees are asked to bring a dish to share.

Drink: Non-alcoholic beverages will be provided; bring your own alcoholic beverages, if desired.

Gifts: 13 years old and up -- there will be a "white elephant" gift exchange; bring a wrapped gift if you wish to participate. There will be some additional wrapped gifts available for purchase (for $5) if you forget or decide you’d like to help support the group by purchasing one of our “donated” white elephant gifts.

Gifts: Under 13 years old -- parents must bring these gifts, wrapped and labeled; they will be distributed by "Santa." If you don’t bring a special gift for your child they will receive a small generic gift and one of Santa’s candy canes.

Call 719-332-3907 if you have questions or to volunteer to help setup.