
« September 08, 2018 - October 08, 2018 »
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09 / 17
Start: 4:37 pm

Constitution Day
September 17
On September 17, 1787, the thirty nine members of the Constitutional Convention signed the United States Constitution, and the event has been commemorated as "Constitution Day" ever since.
While We the People may find reasons to squabble over the symbols of our nation such as the flag and the national anthem, the United States Constitution is the actual foundation of the United States, and as such deserves to be studied and understood much more than it appears to be.
Do America and America's Founders a favor. Take a few minutes to read the Constitution today.

09 / 18
Start: 6:30 pm
End: 8:50 pm

Freethinkers of Colorado Springs Movie Night
Waiting for Superman
September 18
6:30 pm - 8:50
in the Aspen and Pine Rooms
at Penrose Public Library

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