Thank you to everyone!


Thank you to everyone who assisted, attended, considered, participated in or responded to April 23, 2008’s “Are We ‘One Nation under God’” debate co-sponsored by the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs and Focus on the Family. 

The Freethinkers of Colorado Springs appreciates the Focus on the Family Institute’s participation in friendly debate, attendees’ willingness to challenge personal perceptions the provision of a moderator by the Colorado Springs Gazette, and Focus on the Family’s provision of a debate venue free of charge to the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs. 

While the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs advocates the use of reason, we defend the separation of church and state and the free exercise of religion.  We acknowledge religion’s place in the “public square,” and seek equality under government and law, which appears best accomplished when government abstains from religious activities of any kind. 

The value of public debate extends far beyond assessments of who “won,” especially in the context of the search for the truth.  By exploring opposing points of view, improving interpersonal understanding and creating the opportunity for friendly interpersonal interactions between diverse individuals, it may be possible to create a new sense of community in the Pikes Peak region and initiate a new era of understanding, cooperation and civic advancement in wider geographical regions. 

Thanks again to everyone involved in the debate.  The Freethinkers of Colorado Springs looks forward to future opportunities to collaborate with churches, individuals, mosques, non-religious groups, religious groups, synagogues – anyone who shares our dedication to the United States Constitution, its Amendments (especially the first clause of the First Amendment) and the pursuit of reason, religious freedom, demonstrable truth, public justice and the common good. 

Thank you again,

Groff Schroeder

President of the Board of Directors

Freethinkers of Colorado Springs